The FIFA World Cup 2022™ - Package is a limited offer.
Broadcast period: November 20, 2022 to December 6, 2022 (group stage to round of 16)
The FIFA World Cup 2022™ - Package is only valid for new and additional bookings in the designated blocks and is not applicable to rebookings of reserved or booked campaigns.
The basis for calculating a new booking or an additional booking is the booking status as of November 14th, 2022.
Discounted spots must be placed within the specified broadcast period. Discounted spots are calculated on a net basis before volume discount. The FIFA World Cup 2022™ - Package is eligible for discount. The package is volume-generating with regard to the volume discount scale. Agency commission is granted. The package natural discount spots are placed on ORF 1 by ORF-Enterprise, taking into account the distribution plan and subject to available advertising space. The offer is valid exclusively for bookings of classical advertising on ORF 1, thus not for advertising in the service of the public, special forms of advertising or marketing cooperations.
Errors excepted. In all other respects, the General Terms and Conditions for Advertising on ORF Television and ORF Radio, as amended from time to time and published at, shall apply.