Please find below important information regarding the current COVID-19 regulations and the timetable for the upcoming Vienna Screenings.
We look forward to seeing you soon in Vienna!
NEW "2-G-rule" - The following measures are currently in effect in Austria:
For hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, leisure centres, gyms, cultural institutions (cinemas, theatres etc.), Christmas markets, ski lifts and body-related services (such as hairdressers), a proof of vaccination/recovery is mandatory
For events with 25 people or more, a proof of vaccination/recovery is mandatory (children under the age of 12 are exempt)
FFP2 masks are required on public transport and in all retail businesses and museums
2-dose-vaccinations are valid for 9 months only after the second dose from December 6 onwards. After that period, a booster jab is required for a valid proof of full vaccination. Attention: The 1-dose vaccine by Johnson & Johnson is only valid until 3 January 2022, after that date a booster jab is required as well.
The following additional measures are in force in Vienna:
Extended FFP2 mask requirement in public indoor spaces, for body-related services, and in restaurants, coffee houses, etc. (except while seated)
New "2-G+" rule for bars, clubs, nightlife and for events with more than 25 participants. "2-G+" means proof of full vaccination/past infection and additionally, a negative PCR text no older than 48h after taking the test
In all areas where the new "2-G+" rule is in effect, face masks are no longer mandatory.
Please note that we will provide you with more information as it becomes available.
Since the situation is changing on a daily basis, we would recommend booking cancelable flights.
We would thus kindly ask for your firm committment and room request until November 29, 24.00, via e-mail.
Please note that there is no need to directly communicate with the hotel regarding accomodations.
Monday, December 13
13:00 - 18:00
ORF Screenings at the hotel DAS TRIEST
Monday, December 13
Kick-off Dinner at the RESTAURANT COLLIO of the hotel DAS TRIEST
Tuesday, December 14
09:00 - 18:00
ORF Screenings at the hotel DAS TRIEST
Tuesday, December 14
Dinner tba
Wednesday, December 15
08:00 - 12:00
ORF Screenings at the hotel DAS TRIEST
Please note that the program is subject to change
Hotel Das Triest Wiedner Hauptstraße 12 1040 Vienna
We are happy to offer a special rate of EUR 164 per person and night (13.-15.12) at the hotel.
With kind regards,
Oliver Böhm | Managing Director
Armin Luttenberger | Head of Content Sales International