We are very sorry to inform you that unfortunately, the Vienna Screenings, scheduled to be held from December 13 - 15, have been cancelled due to another officially imposed nationwide lockdown in Austria. Since an improvement of the situation is hard to predict, and the safety of our guests is our highest priority, we had to make this difficult decision.
Nevertheless, we want to assure you that we will stay in touch and in the meantime, we would like to invite everyone (if you have not done so yet) to set up an account on our screening platform.
Even though the Vienna Screenings will not take place on site, we will regularly update the most recent program highlights so that you can conveniently screen the programs of your choice online!
Please also feel free to get in touch with us to receive your hand-picked program selections for your kind consideration.
We hope that you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe. We cannot wait to meet everyone in person again in the near future!
With kind regards,
Oliver Böhm | Managing Director
Armin Luttenberger | Head of Content Sales International
Filmedia Filippo Mori Ubaldini | CEO