ORF-Enterprise and ORF UNIVERSUM cordially invite you to the first Virtual UNIVERSUM Showcase


We are delighted to give you an exclusive sneak peek at our brand-new line-up of blue-chip documentaries.


Enjoy a get-together with other experts from the industry and take part in the Q&A with the filmmakers of the UNIVERSUM documentaries!


The virtual event will be held on Monday, April 12 with two time slots available for you to choose from.

Monday, April 12, 2021
10.00 am or 06.00 pm (CEST)

This invitation is personal and not transferable. 


R.S.V.P to info.contentsales@enterprise.orf.at.


Upon acceptance of the invitation, please select your preferred time. Please note that the times indicated in the invitation are in Central European Summer Time and might thus differ from your time zone. 

We are looking forward to gathering with the “UNIVERSUM Family” again – especially our co-producing and long-standing partners, buyers, and “Friends of ORF UNIVERSUM”.


With best regards

ORF-Enterprise on behalf of ORF

If you no longer wish to receive our invitations, please unsubscribe here.


Transparency is a focal element of our corporate culture. By accepting this invitation you also confirm that such acceptance is factually justifiable and serves representation purposes. Please note that photos and / or videos will be taken at the venue and that these can be used temporally, territorially and factually unlimited related to the event. Thank you for your support.

ORF-Enterprise GmbH & Co KG
Hugo-Portisch-Gasse 1
A-1136 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 87878-13030
Mail: contentsales@orf.at