${[0]!"Dear Sir/Madam"},

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our exclusive online screening of School of Champions next week!


To access the screening room, which will be active at the time selected (CEST) on October 2, 2023, use the following link:


To ensure you have a seamless and enjoyable experience, we have prepared a brief guide for our screening room:

We recommend the following set-up to ensure the best experience:

■  an up-to-date operating system (Windows, MacOS)
■  Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari in its latest version

activated webcam and audio-devices (microphone and speaker)


a stable internet connection


please close other programs that could consume necessary CPU capacity


Please take note of the following important login information:


Please enter your full name to join the virtual meeting. The host will then welcome you to the presentation.

We advise to log in already a few minutes before the beginning of the event to provide technical support in case problems arise. In case you should need any support, feel free to contact us via or use the chat once you have entered the screening room.

Once you entered the meeting, please note the menu bar on the left hand side:

person icon: Here the number of participants is displayed. Clicking on the icon opens an overview of all attendees as well as a chat window, which you can use for questions, comments and assistance.

speaker icon: Should you experience any audio output related problems, please change your audio output device by clicking the arrow on the right next to this icon.

hand icon: If you would like to ask your question during the Q&A session, you can raise your hand by clicking on the hand icon. You will then be asked “on stage” by the moderator to share your comments/questions live with the audience.

The following buttons will only become available as soon as the moderator has selected you for active participation after you have raised your hand.

microphone icon: In case you are automatically muted, you can also actively unmute by clicking on this icon. Should you experience any audio related problems, please change your audio input device by clicking the arrow on the right next to this icon.

camera icon: In case your camera is deactivated, you can also actively enable it by clicking on this icon. Should you experience any video related problems, please change your video input device by clicking the arrow on the right next to the icon.

Thank you for taking a few moments to familiarize yourself with our screening room.


Get ready to for an exciting first screening of School of Champions.
See you in the virtual audience!


Kind regards,



If you no longer wish to receive our invitations, unsubscribe here.


Transparency is a focal element of our corporate culture. By accepting this invitation you also confirm that such acceptance is factually justifiable and serves representation purposes. Please note that photos and / or videos will be taken at the venue and that these can be used temporally, territorially and factually unlimited related to the event. Thank you for your support.

ORF-Enterprise GmbH & Co KG
Hugo-Portisch-Gasse 1
A-1136 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 87878-13030