The multiple award-winning documentary will be available for second windows worldwide this summer!

From the esteemed director Franz Hafner (“Russia’s Revenant – The Return of the Siberian Tiger”), this two-part ORF UNIVERSUM documentary takes us to the remotest corners of the Sea of Okhotsk - Russia’s Wild Sea - and thus makes them known to a wide audience for the very first time. The film team worked on this documentary for three years and needed about 300 shooting days to capture the diversity and magic of this region.

The film is a production by Interspot Film for ORF, Smithsonian Channel, Channel One Russia, ZDF and ARTE France, in association with National Geographic Channels International and ORF-Enterprise.

In the Far East of Russia, 6.000 kilometers from Moscow, lies the world's richest yet most inhospitable sea. In the winter, the sea is covered by pack ice, and in the summer, recurring typhoons whip up meter-high waves. Not only earthquakes and tsunamis frequently rage here, but also one of the many volcanoes may erupt at any time. Nevertheless, this sea is one of the last great natural paradises in the world, with millions of wild animals, untouched rocky coastlines, thousands of wild rivers, and endless primeval forests. Here, nature is defined by extremes: every few years there is a lack of food and life reaches its limits, but these periods are followed by years of fantastic abundance, with hundreds of millions of cod, salmon, and herring. For the few people and the countless wild animals that inhabit the region, the sea is both hell and paradise.

Part 1 'Only the Toughest' explores the challenges of living in an unforgiving environment and examines the adaptations and strategies animals and also humans therefore developed, whereas Part 2 'Tides of Plenty' introduces the years when there is enough to go around and shows the paradisiacal side of the Sea of Okhotsk.

Yet, in and around this region, everything is subject to constant change, nothing is permanent. And thus, even abundance never lasts long - it can end at any moment.

Please find here the full press release and adequate photo material for further use:

The astonishing two-part program highlight depicts the last and greatest unspoiled ocean on Earth that lies between the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Japanese Island of Hokkaido. The 4K production captures an impressive wildlife where animals are bigger, stronger, and more numerous than anywhere else.  


"Russia's Wild Sea" also received the following notable awards:

■  New York Festival (2019): Gold World Medal "Nature & Wildlife" (won)
■  Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards (2018): Gold Awards (won)
■  Mountainfilm Festival (2018): Camera Alpine Austria (won)

Register today on our easy-to-use platform contentsales.ORF.at and start screening.


With best regards

Oliver Böhm

Managing Director ORF-Enterprise

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