${Recipient.contact.orfe_englischeanrede[0]!"Dear Sir/Madam"},

We are pleased to announce that the brand-new program highlights for the spring season are now available!

Browse through our updated collection and find a rich catalog of high-quality content from all genres.


Take a glance at the new ORF UNIVERSUM Wildlife, Nature & History documentaries, more appealing factual content, selected Edutainment formats for kids, 19 seasons of the best-selling ORF crime series Soko Kitzbuehel, and further new titles that are waiting for you!


A dedicated Music & Arts section completes the line-up for all culture aficionados.

Simply register at contentsales.ORF.at/registration for full access to our screening platform.

Water of Life

52 min.


Lush, wet and mild, the stunning landscape of the Scottish Highlands is a wonderful place for wildlife. It’s also ideally suited for making Scotland’s world famous drink – Whisky. In this magical, evocative film from award-winning Scottish company Maramedia, we follow the stories of a special cast of animal characters whose lives are closely entwined with a highland and an island distillery. Alongside their lives we see a batch of whisky making its journey from barley, yeast and water to liquid gold. The traditions of the Highland year also unfold in the film. The singing of Auld Lang Syne at New Years Eve, the harvest of barley and the blessing of the river itself with a dram of the drink Scots Gaelic speakers call – uisge beatha – The Water of Life.

King of the Taiga

52 min. 


This film traces the experience of a giant Siberian tiger – up to four meters from nose to tail – as he crosses the taiga forests to find new territory. Until recently on the edge of extinction, Siberian tigers are now protected at the highest levels and are flourishing. But young males in search of a territory are moving into human settlements; the man-eating tiger is now truly living up to its name. Its stealthy hunting style makes the tiger hard to spot in the forest undergrowth, but director Franz Hafner (Russia’s Wild Sea) studied the tigers as a young biologist, and knows exactly how to find and film them. He's working with the latest 4K camera-traps and Russia’s top tiger trackers, conservationists and the crisis intervention team that steps in when things get dangerous!

Rainforest First - Climate Protection in Central Africa

52 min. 


Climate protection begins in the rainforest, a truth that has been grasped hardly anywhere. The rainforests in West and Central Africa are considered the lungs of the world. According to WWF estimates, around 30% of it will have disappeared by 2030, and only small tropical forest areas are likely to remain in 50 years’ time. These are dramatic numbers in view of the increasing awareness for the importance of climate protection and the preservation of the planet. The struggle for climate and species protection seems to stay almost unnoticed by the world. In some ways, Gabon is an exception. Here, the state-imposed vision for a “Green Gabon” is an attempt to save the rainforest for future generations, perhaps also with the ulterior motive of getting even richer through emissions trading. After all, Gabon is the third richest country in Africa.

On Thin Ice - Expedition into the Russian Arctic

50 min. 


In the Russian Arctic, right on the date line, lies Wrangel Island. Even in the last Ice Age, Wrangel was never completely glaciated, which made it the ultimate refuge for all arctic animals and plants to this day. Only a few rangers and visitors with special permits are allowed to set foot on the most northern UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to countless insects and flowers that are unique to Wrangel, around 400 female polar bears give birth on the island every year. In addition, several other animals found ways to survive the harshest winters on our planet with temperatures as low as minus 30 °C. However, this ecosystem is seriously threatened. This first documentary of Manuel Hammelsbeck and Ulrike Hallas makes it clear how unique and sensitive this ecosystem is and what dramatic effects climate change has on the island, its inhabitants, the Arctic and thus on the entire biosphere.

The Salt Saga – White Gold of the Alps

52 min. 


The Austrian Alps contain the world’s oldest salt mine. 2,500 years ago, it was home to one of Europe’s most significant settlements and has even lent its name to an Iron Age culture: Hallstatt. Salt, the White gold of the Alps, put the tiny community at the heart of an international trade network: finds of ivory and amber are evidence of trade with Africa, Asia and the entire European continent. For the first time, this primetime documentary not only investigates the lives and work of the people, but it also reflects modern scientific discoveries that revealed previously unknown details: women and children played central roles in prehistoric Hallstatt, both in the mines and in wider society.

Victims of the Vikings

52 min. 


The Vikings made history as fearless explorers and conquerors and to this day, they are celebrated as heroes. However, all the myths and legends about the adventurous spirit of the Vikings seem to have concealed the dark side of their success. Viking society was determined by human trafficking and slavery, which allowed the Viking world to expand and to win the reputation and admiration it still holds today. For the first time, a docu-drama illuminates the history of the Vikings and their slaves. Archaeological research and scientific analysis accompany this filmic journey into the past, while international experts on Viking history explore the significance of slavery in the Viking World. It’s time to tell the story of the forgotten ones – the “Victims of the Vikings”.

Suburbia - Women on the Edge

50 × 48 min.


Five women, whose biggest challenge so far has been surviving their daily hour-long luxus shopping tours and burning up their husband’s credit cards, are taken by complete surprise when suddenly one of them is divorced by her husband and thrown out of the house. The remaining BFFs instantly realize that the same could happen to them - and so their survival instinct awakens. How convenient that their husbands – all businessmen with a quite strong inclination towards corruption – are planning a big deal using their ignorant wives. What the men don’t know is that their wives are setting out to turn the tables. Never would they suspect having unleashed a bunch of beautiful beasts…

Soko Kitzbuehel

257 × 45 min.


The picturesque town of Kitzbuehel, at the foot of the Austrian Alps, set in the unspoilt countryside and popular among members of the high society, creates an interesting setting for this thrilling detective series. The long-running hit show is built around a young team of CID officers who constantly encounter extremely baffling murder cases. It also features a gourmet chef full of bright ideas, a countess well acquainted with the jet-set lifestyle and on top of that, it comes with a large portion of humor. The result is a witty and exciting detective series of a very special kind!

Fast Forward

60 × 45 / 4 × 90 min. 


Six seasons and four feature-length specials: Angelica Fast is in her mid-thirties, a divorced single mother and a successful investigator at Vienna’s criminal investigation department. The good-looking young woman masters the balancing act between her job and parental duties with humor. Even if her teenage twins keep her on her toes, she goes all out to pursue criminals. That her professional and private lives aren't always separable is also due to her ex-husband, the chief of forensics. Teasing is part of her daily routine, and it may well happen that their children's upbringing is discussed on the crime scene. There is no room for sentimentality in all this – Angelica Fast knows what she wants and always keeps the facts in sight.

Rookie Robot Explores the World

26 × 3 min.


Robots also have to learn! And our little robot named Rookie likes nothing more than that. Curious, open and friendly he explores his world and meets new friends, discovers new things and experiences little adventures in each episode. Whether mouse, moon, magic or music: the simple and charming stories entertain with wit and joie de vivre – and a cheeky twist. Rookie's encounters focus on friendliness, openness and empathy, but also perseverance, respect and patience – and with each episode Rookie gets to know his world a little better.

Our sales team is happy to assist you with hand-picked selections based on your interest!

With best regards

Oliver Böhm

Managing Director ORF-Enterprise


Armin Luttenberger

Head of Content Sales International

Armin Luttenberger
Head of Content Sales International
Content Sales International
+43 1 87878-14518
+43 664 6124902
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+43 1 87878-14474
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Content Sales International
+43 1 87878-14839
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