${[0]!"Dear Sir/Madam"},

ORF-Enterprise and IMZ International Music + Media Centre are looking forward to welcoming you to THE 2021 SEMI-FINAL ROUND OF JUDGING of the 49th International Emmy Awards®. 


On Monday, the event will start at 10 a.m. (CEST). Please click on the link below 5 minutes before the meeting starts. Following the round of judging, we would like to invite you to an interactive Farewell Meeting to end the day with interesting conversations and fruitful exchange with the hosting teams and colleagues from all over the world.


Please join via this link: ONLINE JURY PANEL

Monday, June 14, 2021
10.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m. (tentative) CEST

After registration, you will be placed in a virtual waiting room and admitted at the beginning of the meeting. If needed, the login details are below:


Meeting ID: 814 0662 2407

Password: Juror2021


Programs will be streamed using, a video review and collaboration platform for creators. In order to test your equipment beforehand, please Click Here to screen a short teaser from the 2020 International Emmy® Awards. Let us know if you encountered any technical issues.

Attached you will find the following documents:

■  Juror Instructions
Please read carefully. An Academy Representative will go through this document with all of us on Monday should you have any questions.
■  Program Ballot - BLANK WORKSHEET
Feel free to print this document, or simply reproduce it on a piece of paper, so you can keep track of your scores throughout the day. At the end of the judging session, you will be provided with a link to the online Official Ballot, on which you will be asked to transfer your scores.
■  Technology Requirements & Best Practices
Please make sure you are using a computer and not a tablet. It is crucial that your internet speed is optimal so you can both be on video conference and stream an HD video. The video conference will be held via Zoom. You are probably already familiar with Zoom, but the attached document gives you a few tips and tricks to make your experience the best possible.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact


Have a great weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Monday! 

Yours sincerely, 

Oliver Böhm

Managing Director


Katharina Jeschke

Secretary General

IMZ International Music + Media Centre

Transparency is a focal element of our corporate culture. By accepting this invitation you also confirm that such acceptance is factually justifiable and serves representation purposes. Please note that photos and / or videos will be taken at the venue and that these can be used temporally, territorially and factually unlimited related to the event. Thank you for your support.

ORF-Enterprise GmbH & Co KG
Hugo-Portisch-Gasse 1
A-1136 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 87878-13030